In Islam, the rights of women are very important and there is no such thing as oppression against them. However, this issue is debated by the West and often portrays a negative view on the treatment of women in Islam. This post will try to expand and clarify the controversial issue of Hijaab that is falsely deemed in the West as oppression in Islam towards women.
The Issue of Hijaab in Islam
The order of Hijaab was revealed by Allah (God) in the Qur'an that the believing women should cover themselves. They should not reveal their beauty and attractiveness in front of men that are permissible to them in marriage. As soon as the ruling was heard, all the women of Muslim households began to cover themselves and it was not that anyone of them were seen without the Hijaab. The order was practiced immediately without coercion. In this manner, allMuslims used to act upon the orders that were revealed. They would seize from doing those actions that they were prohibited from, and this is why they were successful!
Allah (God) has commanded in the Holy Qur'an:
“O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women to draw their outer garments over their bodies (when outdoors): that is most convenient that they could be known as such (i.e. decent and chaste) and not molested.” (Qur'an 33:59)
The arabic word used in this verse in the Holy Quran is Jalabeeb (plural of Jalbaab), which is the loose outer garment that covers all a woman's body. It says here to use the Jalabeeb to cover all, and scholars say this means to use it to cover her head (agreed upon by all scholars) and her face (agreed by not all scholars).
Note: The Hijaab has also been commanded in other verses of the Qur'an (not just the one shown above). Example:
"Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do. (30) And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know naught of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may succeed. (31)" (Qur'an 24:30-31)
As well, the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) expands on the meaning of Hijaab and describe it in more detail. Thus, the obligatory proper dress code for Muslim females includes:
> A covering for the hair (called a Hijaab ).
> Loose-fitting clothes.
> Long pants or a dress to the ankles and a shirt, gown or blouse that covers to the wrists.
> Excessive makeup and perfume are frowned upon. (Note: Makeup and perfume actually are only supposed to be worn for spouses and not in public as they draw attention and this is not acceptable)
Allah (God) knows the means of strong temptation that women have, so He ordered them to cover themselves in such a manner in order not to cause temptation lest the person in whose heart is a disease should be moved withdesire.
The West classifies the Hijaab as a form of oppression against Muslim women. However, this is far from the truth. If a Muslim women does not abide by this obligatory decree of Allah (God), then it is ultimately her decision. Furthermore, the Hijaab is not just a dress code, it is in the heart. One cannot be forced intoHijaab. Muslim women must observe the Hijab without coercion or force. This is important because the behavior and the way a Muslim women carries herself is just as crucial as the dress code and it is in fact a part of Hijaab.
There are also requirements of Muslim men's clothing, however the dress code for men in Islam is not to the same degree as women. This can be explained by looking into what Islam defines as the Awrah. The Awrah refers to the part of the body that should be covered at all times unless there is an expressed exception. The covering of the Awrah is also a condition for thevalidity of prayer for both Muslim men and women. It has been agreed among most jurists on the basis of the Qur'an and Sunnah (Prophetic traditions) that the Awrah for the women is defined as the whole body except for the face and hands. For the man, the Awrah is defined as the area between the navel and the knee. The basic requirements for both Muslim males and females are then the same:
(1) The Awrah should be fully covered.
(2) Clothing should be loose enough so as not to describe what he or she is covering (their Awrah respectively).
(3) Clothing should be thick enough as not to describe the color of the skin or the parts required to be covered.
(4) The basic rule of modesty and avoiding "show off" applies (this includes trying not to attract attention in the form of perfume, designer clothes, etc. in public).
In addition to the above limitations for both Muslim men and women dress codes, men are not allowed to wear silk and gold. This does not apply to women.
A few misconceptions about the Hijaab for women must be cleared for both Muslims and Non-Muslims at this point:
(1) The Hijaab protects women from the harassment of men.
While this statement is, for the most, part true, the objectification of women has become so strong in today's societies that the women that wear proper Hijaabare not 100% exempt from the treatment other women receive in the public. In fact, a woman who is all “covered up” is sometimes seen as challenge by some men. Still, the Hijaab is generally seen as "off limit" sign, and men don’t know how to approach someone in Hijaab or figure that it is too much "work". May Allah (God) protect all women from the evil intentions of men.
(2) Non-Muslims generally view women that wear Hijaab as a pious women that is committed to God.
This is a statement that is sadly often far from the truth. Muslim women will agree that people often see them in a negative light. They think that she oppressed, she's backwards, she doesn't speak English, her husband/brother/uncle/father made her dress like that, she’s not very educated etc. Some people are repulsed or even afraid!
It is frequently that only educated Non-Muslims (that have learned about Islam) may not have this initial negative view. Also, it is often that only after a Non-Muslim person gets to know a pious Muslim women that wears the Hijaabaccording to the Qur'an and Sunnah (Prophetic traditions) that they may change their initial negative view and actually start seeing her as one that is striving(see note below) to be religious. It is the responsibility of all Muslims to help Non-Muslims understand this positive real view.
Note: Striving: A Muslim women that happily wears the Hijaab is not free from the constant ups and downs associated with it, however she is consistentlystriving to be strong to fulfill this command of God.
(3) Muslim women wear the Hijaab as a sign of modesty and purity. It is a symbol of their chastity and dignity.
This statement is ideally true, however realistically it may not be. The reason for this is because it has become more prominent that Muslim women are notwearing proper Hijaab (both externally and internally). A Muslim women might be wearing the veil over her head, but everything else is the same as the Non-Muslim next to her. For example she may be wearing tight jeans and then being rude,swearing and cursing people,or flirting with the opposite gender. Unfortunately, the Hijaab has sometimes become more of a "fashion" trend for women and the real purpose has become a side-story. This is not Hijaab. To simply state, the Hijaab is:
> chastity,purity,and shyness
> obedience to our Creator
> a divine obligation
We pray that all Muslim women realize this command of Allah (God) and fulfill it to the requirements set by the Qur'an and Sunnah. For women, being the prominent face of Islam is difficult in this time, we pray that Allah (God) make it easy for those that take up the proper Hijaab and grant them strength.
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